Przedszkola niepubliczne
English for kindergartens
- English lessons integrated into the daily schedule
- committed teachers
- various teaching methods and attractive materials
- self-designed curriculum
- monthly newsletter for parents
- English as a language of instructions
- wsparcie marketingowe placówki
Spanish for kindergartens
- a second foreign language as an opportunity to enrich your educational offer
- we raise kids’ curiosity about the world and develop language competences
- self-designed artistic projects, Spanish cooking lessons, language games and activities
- dostępny na terenie wybranych dzielnic
Pedagogical supervision
This is a comprehensive solution for institutions that want to benefit from the stability of employment of teachers directly with the highest standards of speak:art teaching.
A teacher employed in your kindergarten gains the status of a speak:art teacher, ex access to our self-designed teaching programs, a package of regular training, feedback after lesson observations by our methodologists and a rich library of teaching materials.